Some Information about Obesity

ObesityObesity becomes the most malicious enemy of mankind around the world. Lately this problem grew, but generally concerns rich and people with prosperity, above an average. Obesity causes a significant increase in body weight in the absence of other diseases. The exception is made by a small percent of the cases caused by hormonal violations. Usually, inhabitants call obesity excess weight, but for experts, the distinction exists. It is possible to speak about excess weight at the person if the mass of his body exceeds medical norm from ten to nineteen percent. When body weight exceeds the norm for twenty and more percent, we may speak already about obesity. The normal weight of the person is calculated according to special tables and depends on sex, age, height and the constitution of the person.

Thus, obesity can be considered the continuation of excess weight connected, as a rule, with the adjournment of excess fat layers in an organism when the energy consumed with food constantly exceeds an organism expense. As a result excess of energy collects “for emergency” in fatty depots. Obesity can’t occur in a week or two, a much bigger term is necessary for this purpose. It is a gradual process which goes without hurrying, a long time when the considerable positive balance of energy, generally at the expense of an increase in consumption of energy with food is supported.

Receptors of high-calorie and fatty food irritate and tempt appetite, to which we cannot resist, irrespective of a nutritional value of food. Of course, it is a violation of culture and hygiene of food. On the other hand, the modern city life means quite a considerable mechanization and a decrease in physical activity of the person (sedentary life). It led to decrease in the general power consumption in our organism so that reduced need for calories. Increase in caloric content of food, due to the application of concentrates, and decrease in the level of activity, in complex prerequisites for obesity create. Sometimes obesity arises because of hormonal violations or increase in the action of some hormones and enzymes. Canadian HealthCare Mall has in its assortment medical preparations for obesity treatment. It is possible to become safe and sound again.

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Obesity creates risks for health not only in itself. It appears not only somatic but also mental violations in persons with obesity. Change of body shape and distortion of appearance can become the reasons of depression or psychological complexes. Many patients with obesity complain of joint pains that testifies to development of arthritis as their joints constantly have the excessive loading connected with excessive body weight. These are the most evident troubles and dangers which are caused by obesity. But obesity has still greater influence, than visible changes, causing a number of problems with health. At obesity the level of fats in the blood that causes adjournment of fatty plaques in vessels and to narrowing of these vessels increases. It, in turn, increases arterial pressure, and also increases the risk of heart attacks or stroke development.

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