What is Gastritis?

GastritisGastritis is an inflammation of a gastric mucosa. This is one of the most frequent diseases of a digestive tract recently gaining the increasing distribution. Considering that the stomach is a key element in food splitting it is clear why this disease is reflected not only in all digestive tract. Also, all without exception systems of an organism are influenced, considerably reducing the quality of patient’s life.

It has been considered for a long time that the main cause of gastritis is an improper feeding and a constant psychoemotional state.

The Main Cause

However, the Australian scientists Robin Warren and Barry Marshall during the conducted researches convincingly proved that the leading role in gastritis development belongs to Helicobacter pylori. Helicobacter pylori are the bacterium which managed to adapt to high acidity, and living in a gastric mucosa, adjoining to glands releasing causticus hydrochloric acid. Infection transfers airborne through:

  • the general ware;
  • toothbrushes;
  • kisses;
  • others.

Before the discovery of Warren and Marshall such was considered impossible, it was supposed that hydrochloric acid destroys all microorganisms. In 2005 scientists got the Nobel Prize for the opening as it allowed to develop an effective treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcer.


According to the disease’s character, we distinguish acute gastritis and chronic gastritis. According to the inflammation type gastritis shares on the following forms: Erosive gastritis at which the bleeding erosion of a gastric mucosa are formed, superficial gastritis at which only the top layer of a gastric mucosa is involved in process, atrophic gastritis, hypertrophic gastritis, gastritis with the increased gastric juice secretion, gastritis with the lowered secretion of gastric juice.


It is very important to treat gastritis timely because it may really destroy even all functions in the organism that’s why do not put this problem into a cold storage and the way out may be drugs sold by Canadian Health&Care mall. It is a very famous pharmaceutical company carrying out their activity in the Internet and shipping drugs internationally.

Gastritis basic of treatment is an antibiotic therapy to which Helicobacter pylori is sensitive and the preparations contain bismuth salt. The antibiotic destroys Helicobacter pylori, and bismuth salt promotes healing of the gastric mucosa formed defects. The preparations reducing secretion of gastric juice, anesthetizing and spazmolitik can be in addition appointed. However, it is necessary to point out that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not suitable for gastritis treatment. These preparations are a factor of the increased risk of gastritis formation as irritate a gastric mucosa During remission of chronic gastritis effectively treatment of gastritis with an application of mineral waters for what usually to the patient appoint sanatorium treatment. Do not remember to consult the doctor and check out the website of Canadian Health&Care mall, an Internet supplier of drugs.

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