What is Acute Respiratory Diseases?

Acute respiratory diseasesAcute respiratory diseases or ARD are a group of the diseases having very similar clinical and epidemiological characteristics, but etiologically are extremely various. Viruses of various groups and bacteria can be activators of ARD as well. The most widespread infection among children is an acute respiratory disease.

Children of half a year till 3 years are extremely subject to ARD that is explained for the first time by the arising contact with a virus of this or that group. Frequent diseases children suffer are acute respiratory diseases but they can’t be regarded as a decrease in immunity, they need to be considered as a result of frequent contacts with new viruses and bacteria. Most often such rise in the incidence of acute respiratory diseases arises at the child after receipt in a childcare center. Subsequently, in children, immunity to the activators circulating in a childcare center that is shown by a decrease in occurrence is formed.


We classify acute respiratory diseases depending on activator type. There distinguish three ARD groups:

  • ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) are the diseases caused by viruses. Flu, paraflu, coronaviral infection belong to this group, respiratory syncytial infection, adenoviral infection. In total, about 200 versions of ARVI exist and count. The heaviest of them is flu.
  • Acute bacterial respiratory diseases. They can be caused by Staphylococcus, streptocStreptococcuscoccus and other bacteria. This group of diseases isn’t so numerous as ARVI, and arise bacterial diseases most often not independently but together with ARVI.
  • Acute mycoplasmal respiratory diseases. The activator of this, quite rare, versions of acute respiratory diseases is mycoplasma. Acute mycoplasmal respiratory diseases are dangerous that often are complicated by pneumonia.
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The clinical characteristics of all acute respiratory diseases groups is very similar. Since it is respiratory diseases, it is clear that the top airways are damaged. The beginning of a disease is acute, at the child temperature raises, there are different degrees of expressiveness of running nose, cough, sore throat is more rare. The health most often suffers slightly, but sometimes (for example, at flu) symptoms of intoxication are brightly expressed and even prevail in a clinical picture of a disease (weakness, headache, an ache in muscles, eye pain, etc.). All these should be treated because it is impossible to bare all these uncomfortable feelings. The only desire you have is to get rid of the. Canadian HealthCare Mall is the best way to realize this idea. Prevention of acute respiratory diseases is an increase of body resistance to the influence of pathogenic factors.

Here also the tempering procedures, and application of the immunostimulating preparations, and vitamin therapy, and also the regime moments belong: the greatest possible restriction of contacts of the child with sick people (in the period of epidemics). At some types of acute respiratory diseases, for example, at flu, the main method of prevention is immunization (carrying out inoculations). Concerning the prevention of ARD consultation of the pediatrician is also obligatory. He will help to choose a hardening technique, optimum for your child, will choose for it the most suitable immunostimulating preparation.

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